12+ Animated Hamburger Menu Examples [CSS Only]

👉👉 10 CSS Triangles With Code

What is a Hamburger Menu?

The Hamburger Menu, often represented by three horizontal lines stacked on top of each other, is an icon used to signify a hidden menu. When clicked or tapped, it reveals a navigation menu that slides in from the side, providing access to various sections or pages of a website or application.

See the Pen Open Close by Vineeth.TR (@vineethtrv) on CodePen.

How to Implement a Hamburger Menu ?

Implementing a Hamburger involves several steps, including designing the menu, coding it, and ensuring its functionality across different devices. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the implementation process:

  1. Design the Menu: Start by designing the layout and appearance of the hidden menu. Consider the overall aesthetic of your website or application and ensure that the menu aligns with your branding. Use clear and concise labels for menu items, avoiding jargon or ambiguous terminology.
  2. Code the Menu: Once the design is finalized, it’s time to code the Hamburger. Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the necessary structure and interactions. There are also numerous libraries and frameworks available that simplify the implementation process, such as Bootstrap and Foundation.
  3. Test Responsiveness: To ensure a seamless user experience across devices, test the responsiveness of your Hamburger. Verify that it adapts well to different screen sizes and orientations and that all menu items remain accessible and legible.
  4. Add Animations (Optional): While not essential, adding subtle animations to the Hamburger can enhance user engagement and provide visual feedback. Consider incorporating transitions or transformations to create a smooth and seamless menu opening and closing experience.
  5. Accessibility Optimization: Accessibility is a crucial aspect of web design. Ensure that your Hamburger is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Use proper semantic markup, provide alternative text for the Hamburger icon, and ensure keyboard navigation compatibility.

12 Hamburger Menu Examples With Code and Demo

1. Simple Left Animated Hamburger Menu

See the Pen Pure CSS Hamburger fold-out menu by Erik Terwan (@erikterwan) on CodePen.

2. Animated Hamburger Menu

See the Pen Animated Hamburger Menu by Husni Munaya (@husnimun) on CodePen.

3. Pure CSS Hamburger Menu & Overlay

See the Pen Pure CSS Hamburger Menu & Overlay by Brad Traversy (@bradtraversy) on CodePen.

4. Full-width mobile nav dropdown Hamburger Menu

See the Pen Full width mobile nav dropdown by Matt Studdert (@mattstuddert) on CodePen.

5. Hamburger Menu with Uilang

See the Pen Hamburger Menu with Uilang by Bram de Haan (@atelierbram) on CodePen.

6. Hamburger Menu icon with a spin

See the Pen Menu icon with a spin by Sean B (@seanysean) on CodePen.

7. Floating Hamburger icon

See the Pen Floatting Draggable Menu (Messenger like) by Andy Pagès (@andyNroses) on CodePen.

8. Pop Out Hamburger Menu icon

See the Pen POP Out Navigation by Ryan Mulligan (@hexagoncircle) on CodePen.

9. Randomly generated Pure CSS Menu icons

See the Pen Randomly generated Pure CSS menu icons w/ markup and SCSS by Jamie Coulter (@jcoulterdesign) on CodePen.

10. Right Sidebar Hamburger

See the Pen Animated hamburger menu by Álvaro (@alvarotrigo) on CodePen.

11. Subtle Bouncy Navigation Hamburger Menu

See the Pen Subtle Bouncy Navigation by Jack Thomson (@Jackthomsonn) on CodePen.

12. Jumping Hamburger Menu Icon

See the Pen Jumping Hamburger Menu Icon by Jack Thomson (@Jackthomsonn) on CodePen.

Best Practices for Designing a Hamburger Menu

To create an effective Hamburger, it’s essential to follow best practices that maximize usability and user experience. Let’s explore some key guidelines to consider during the design process:

  1. Placement: Place the Hamburger icon in a prominent and easily accessible location. The top right or left corner of the screen is a common placement choice.
  2. Labeling: Although the Hamburger icon itself is widely recognized, it’s recommended to include a text label alongside the icon. This helps provide clarity and reduces any confusion for first-time users.
  3. Limited Menu Items: Keep the number of menu items in the hidden menu to a minimum. Ideally, aim for no more than five to seven items to avoid overwhelming users with choices.
  4. Hierarchy and Organization: Group related menu items logically and create a hierarchical structure if necessary. This helps users navigate through the menu more efficiently and find what they’re looking for.
  5. Search and Contact Options: If applicable, consider including a search bar and contact information within the hidden menu. These features enhance usability and provide quick access to key functionalities.
  6. Visual Cues: Use subtle visual cues, such as arrows or highlights, to indicate which menu items have submenus or dropdowns. This helps users anticipate additional options and prevents frustration.
  7. Consistency: Maintain consistency throughout your website or application by using the same Hamburger design across all pages. This ensures a cohesive user experience and avoids confusion.

Hamburger Menu and SEO

As an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) consideration, the Menu plays a role in the overall user experience and site navigation. While search engines like Google have improved their ability to crawl and index hidden content, it

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