Top 100 Vue Interview Questions (2023)

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework known for its simplicity and flexibility, making it a sought-after skill in the web development industry. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Vue.js developer, these questions will help you brush up on your knowledge and ensure you are well-prepared for your next interview.

So, let’s dive in and explore these interview questions to boost your confidence and increase your chances of landing that dream job in Vue.js development.
Here’s a list of 100 Vue interview questions categorized based on different Vue.js concepts that can help you to prepare and crack a Vue.js interview:

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Vue.js Basics:

  1. What is Vue.js and why is it popular?
  2. Explain the key features of Vue.js.
  3. What are the advantages of using Vue.js over other JavaScript frameworks?
  4. How does Vue.js utilize the Virtual DOM?
  5. Describe the Vue instance and its lifecycle hooks.
  6. Explain the concept of templates in Vue.js.
  7. How do you create a Vue instance?
  8. What is the purpose of directives in Vue.js?
  9. Describe the difference between Vue.js components and directives.
  10. How does Vue.js support reactive data binding?

Components in Vue.js:

  1. What are Vue components?
  2. Explain the lifecycle hooks of a Vue component.
  3. How do you communicate between parent and child components in Vue.js?
  4. Describe the concept of props in Vue.js.
  5. What are slots in Vue.js and how do they work?
  6. How can you dynamically load components in Vue.js?
  7. Explain the concept of scoped CSS in Vue.js.
  8. What are mixins in Vue.js and how can they be used?
  9. Describe the concept of watchers in Vue.js.
  10. How do you handle component events in Vue.js?

Data Handling in Vue.js:

  1. Explain the concept of data binding in Vue.js.
  2. What is two-way data binding in Vue.js?
  3. Describe the difference between computed properties and methods in Vue.js.
  4. How can you handle user input and form binding in Vue.js?
  5. Explain the purpose of filters in Vue.js.
  6. How do you make AJAX requests in Vue.js?
  7. Describe the concept of Vuex and its role in Vue.js.
  8. What is the purpose of Vue Router and how do you use it?
  9. How do you handle form validation in Vue.js?
  10. Explain the concept of mixins and their use cases in Vue.js.

Directives in Vue.js:

  1. What are directives in Vue.js?
  2. Explain the purpose of v-model directive in Vue.js.
  3. Describe the difference between v-show and v-if directives.
  4. How do you use v-for directive in Vue.js?
  5. Explain the concept of v-bind directive.
  6. What is the purpose of v-on directive?
  7. Describe the usage of v-once directive.
  8. How do you use v-cloak directive in Vue.js?
  9. Explain the concept of v-pre directive.
  10. What is the purpose of v-html directive?

Routing in Vue.js:

  1. How do you handle routing in Vue.js?
  2. Explain the purpose of Vue Router.
  3. How do you configure routes in Vue Router?
  4. Describe the usage of dynamic routing in Vue.js.
  5. What are nested routes in Vue Router?
  6. Explain the concept of route navigation guards in Vue Router.
  7. How do you handle route parameters in Vue Router?
  8. What is lazy loading in Vue Router and how do you implement it?
  9. Describe the concept of named routes in Vue.js.
  10. How do you handle query parameters in Vue Router?

State Management with Vuex:

  1. What is Vuex and why would you use it in Vue.js?
  2. Explain the core concepts of Vuex.
  3. How do you define a Vuex store in Vue.js?
  4. Describe the purpose of actions, mutations, and getters in Vuex.
  5. What is the difference between actions and mutations in Vuex?
  6. How do you dispatch actions and commit mutations in Vuex?
  7. Explain the concept of modules in Vuex.
  8. How do you access Vuex state in Vue components?
  9. Describe the usage of mapState, mapGetters, mapActions, and mapMutations helpers in Vuex.
  10. What are the advantages of using Vuex for state management in Vue.js?

Server-Side Rendering (SSR) in Vue.js:

  1. What is Server-Side Rendering (SSR) in Vue.js?
  2. Explain the benefits and drawbacks of using SSR in Vue.js.
  3. How do you configure and use SSR in Vue.js?
  4. Describe the difference between CSR (Client-Side Rendering) and SSR in Vue.js.
  5. What are the challenges in implementing SSR with Vue.js?
  6. How do you handle asynchronous data fetching in SSR with Vue.js?
  7. Explain the concept of rehydration in SSR with Vue.js.
  8. What is the purpose of the Vue Server Renderer?
  9. Describe the usage of Vue Router in SSR with Vue.js.
  10. How do you handle client-side hydration in SSR with Vue.js?

Testing in Vue.js:

  1. How do you write unit tests for Vue.js components?
  2. Explain the purpose of testing libraries like Jest and Vue Test Utils.
  3. How do you mock dependencies and simulate user interactions in Vue.js unit tests?
  4. Describe the concept of snapshot testing in Vue.js.
  5. What are end-to-end (E2E) tests and how do you perform them in Vue.js?
  6. Explain the purpose of testing frameworks like Cypress and Nightwatch.js in Vue.js.
  7. How do you write integration tests for Vue.js applications?
  8. Describe the usage of code coverage tools in Vue.js testing.
  9. What are the best practices for testing Vue.js applications?
  10. How do you handle asynchronous operations in Vue.js unit tests?

Performance Optimization in Vue.js:

  1. Explain the techniques for optimizing performance in Vue.js applications.
  2. How do you implement lazy loading of components in Vue.js?
  3. Describe the concept of code splitting in Vue.js.
  4. What are dynamic imports in Vue.js and how do you use them?
  5. Explain the purpose of asynchronous components in Vue.js.
  6. How do you optimize rendering performance in Vue.js?
  7. Describe the usage of shouldComponentUpdate equivalent in Vue.js.
  8. What are the best practices for optimizing Vue.js applications?
  9. How do you leverage browser caching in Vue.js?
  10. Explain the concept of server-side caching in Vue.js.

Advanced Vue.js Concepts:

  1. Describe the concept of Vue.js mixins and their use cases.
  2. How do you implement server-side rendering (SSR) with Vue.js?
  3. Explain the purpose of dynamic components in Vue.js.
  4. What is the render function in Vue.js and how do you use it?
  5. Describe the usage of custom directives in Vue.js.
  6. How do you handle animations and transitions in Vue.js?
  7. Explain the concept of error handling in Vue.js.
  8. What are the best practices for internationalization (i18n) in Vue.js?
  9. How do you optimize SEO for Vue.js applications?
  10. Describe the usage of Vue DevTools and its features.

Conclusion (Vue interview questions)

We have provided a comprehensive list of Vue interview questions to help you prepare for Vue-related job interviews. These questions cover various aspects of Vue.js, including its core concepts, directives, components, lifecycle hooks, state management, routing, and more.

By familiarizing yourself with these questions and their answers, you can showcase your knowledge and skills in Vue.js, increasing your chances of success in your next interview. Good luck 👍👍👍!

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